Natural Henna vs. Hengua vs. White Henna - what are the differences?

What is Natural Henna?

Henna is an all natural paste that is made from the leaves of the Henna (lawsonia Inermis) plant. The leaves of the plant contain a natural and very effective coloring pigment. When the leaves are dried and crushed into a powder, they can be mixed with other natural ingredients to create the henna paste that is used in temporary body art tattoos.


What is Hengua?

Hengua cones are a mixture of organic rajisthani henna powder and organic Jagua ink which produces a more intense shade of henna stain. Jagua is a berry fruit from the amazon rain forest and stains a dark blue indigo color and when added to henna creates a more darker burgundy shade of stain, sometimes in thinner areas of the skin like the fingers, it may also appear black

What is White Henna?

Contrary to the name, white henna is not actual "henna". It's an adhesive body paint that may look and feel like actual henna, but it's not - think of it like white glue. While actual henna is made from the leaves of the henna plant itself. It leaves a stain on your body in a red/brown tone. In terms of white henna, it doesn’t contrast with your skin and leaves a dark color tone. It just stays on the upper layer of your skin for a limited set of time.